Tuesday, November 23, 2010

3 Months (What?!?!)

I can’t believe my baby is three months old. Where on earth does the time go? It seems like just yesterday we were heading to the hospital in the middle of the night and bringing our baby home with clueless looks on our faces! How far we’ve come and how much we’ve learned since then. Now, life is back to a routine. Get up, feed baby, get ready, get baby ready, take baby to daycare, go to work, go home, feed baby, play with baby, wash bottles, make bottles for tomorrow, put baby to sleep, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat… But, that’s ok because I’m the type of person who thrives on routine.

It’s unbelievable how fast babies grow. I find myself sitting there, holding her, and being sad because I know I’m not going to remember all of the little milestones that she reaches each and every week. I’m weird like that. I just know that I’ll turn around and she’ll be five, ten, twenty, working, married, having kids of her own. It hurts my heart to think about it. Because she’ll be old, but what’s even more frightening is I’ll be REALLY old.

She’s doing SO well. She’s sleeping great, which is a tremendous relief! She’s finally starting to eat a little better. She’s a bit of a shrimp. At her 2 month checkup, she was in the 20th percentile for weight. Neither of her parents are remotely petite, but maybe she will be. Who knows…sometimes I still wonder if they somehow switched her with our real baby at the hospital! From the way my Mom describes me as a young baby, I felt certain that I was gonna get the ultimate payback with a terrible baby. But, I’ve got exactly the opposite. She’s so easy…the type of baby that gives you the wrong impression about what parenthood is usually like.

She’s finally starting to notice the dogs. Charlie loves the baby and is usually trying to find a way to lick her. Now, Payton will smile at Charlie when she licks her hands. It’s really sweet. Champ is a little less interested, but he’s definitely making sure things stay under control and no one sketchy gets near the baby.

Everyone thinks that Payton is a boy. She has so much hair, and I usually have her dressed in green or yellow rather than pink. So, the typical question is “How old is he?”. It makes me laugh because people get so uncomfortable when I tell them it’s a girl…like I’m going to be offended in some way!

She started laughing outloud for the first time a few days ago. I would put the video up if I weren’t mortally opposed to people hearing my annoying baby voice. But, when your kid is laughing for the first time, you’ll do whatever necessary to keep them doing it so that you can get a video.

At the rate I’m going, she’ll be 6 months old before my next blog post…yikes! I’m going to make a big effort to do better. Say some prayers for us. We’re leaving in the morning to spend Thanksgiving in North Carolina. It’s a 6 hour drive, and her longest ride up to this point is an hour and a half. Six hours in the car with an infant, two dogs, and half the house…should be interesting!! With any luck, she’ll sleep most of the way.


Meade said...

I LOVE this post...and I LOVE this baby!!!!:)

Jan @ Struck by Serendipity said...

She's a beauty! I'm so glad to hear she's thriving!!