Friday, June 19, 2009

The post where I couldn't think of anything interesting to write

I'm a member of a gym associated with a local all girls college. Now, it's not the best facility, but it's not the worst...and it's super cheap with a pool, so it is a perfect fit for me. The school is a little odd. Most of the students seem to be from overseas. I actually haven't seen many that seem like they're locals.

So, the other day, I went to a spinning class, and I left my sunglasses when the class was over. Of course it took me a couple of days to reason through where I saw them last, and I finally concluded that I must've left them at the gym. At lunch one day this week, I dropped by to see if anyone had found them and turned them in. I walked in the front door and approached the young Asian girl behind the counter and asked her "Do you all have a lost and found?" which I'm pretty sure came out like, "Do Y'all have a lawst 'n fownd?". I wish you could've seen the look of utter confusion on her face. It was like I was giving her a really important test and she was failing! Poor thing...and it got me thinking how confused these girls must be by so many of our expressions...dead as a doornail, man alive, three sheets to the wind, dog days of summer, don't beat around the bush, by and large. And, of course the list is endless. And, I'm sure matters are worse in the south, where we don't enunciate very well. It's really crazy how often we speak in terms that don't make any literal sense. If you start paying attention, you'll be amazed! Oh...and I found my sunglasses.

In other randomness, I was watching Champ having a doggie dream last night. It was a particularly active one. He was twitching and moving all over the place. Don't you just wonder what they dream about...I'd give anything to know! And what goes on in those little heads. I think my dogs probably just think about how cool I am all the time...they're such realists.

Sounds like my brother and sister in law are going to take their house off the market and rent it out, so Munson's days at our house are numbered. I will miss him, but I won't miss cleaning up dog hair from 3 dogs. It's out of control right now since it's been so hot. It's been really fun to have him though. I feel a pretty special connection to him since he was my Dad's dog. He's getting a huge backyard at his new house, so Champ and Charlie will have to go over to visit lots!

1 comment:

Jan @ Struck by Serendipity said...

"I think my dogs probably just think about how cool I am all the time...they're such realists."

That is the most awesome statement. So funny! :)