Thursday, January 20, 2011

Because you can only blame pregnancy so long

Well, that time has come. The time where it's beginning to be a stretch to blame my flabbiness on the pregnancy. I mean, I've been not pregnant for almost 6 months now.
I think I've taken that excuse about as far as I can! But, in all honesty, you can't go from this...
to beach body without some effort.

So, a workout started about two weeks ago. And my legs hurt. And my knees hurt. And my entire body hurts, especially when I pick up my increasingly large child. But, boy does it feel good to put my body through difficulty again and to feel myself getting stronger and my endurance growing. I'm starting back running along with some circuit training. I'm tempted to sign up for a 10k at the end of March here in town. But, the route's really hilly, and quite frankly, I'm scared. I think I'll just play it by ear (aka, I'll wuss out and not sign up while pretending that there's still a chance!).

Goodbye preggo body. I won't miss you at all, but I'll be happy to see you again someday nonetheless. Without you, I wouldn't get to kiss on this baby every night...