Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Tuesday that Changed My Life

I’ve always considered Tuesday to be the most unremarkable day of the week. I mean, Monday is known for being the most hated day, Wednesday is hump day, Thursday and Friday are exciting because the weekend is on the way, and Saturday and Sunday are the favorite days since they are the weekend. Poor little Tuesday just seems to get lost in the mix. That was until Tuesday, August 10, 2010 when my sweet daughter was born.

The doctor planned to induce me on Tuesday morning at 7:00 a.m., but the baby had other plans. My water broke at 10:30 on Monday night, and after laboring through the night, she was born at 9:23 on Tuesday morning. Now, Tuesday is the day that I get to say, she’s 2 weeks old, 4 weeks old, 6 weeks, old, etc. And, this past Tuesday, she was just that…6 weeks old. It’s so hard to believe! In one way, it seems like she’s been around forever, but in another, I can’t imagine that it’s been 6 weeks since she came into this world!

Motherhood is both the easiest and the most difficult thing that I’ve ever done! It’s amazing how easily the nurturing aspect of motherhood comes. Taking care of her is just so natural to me, and I’ve never been a particularly nurturing person. Thankfully, we’re through the worst part of having a newborn baby. We’ve been through the process of getting her days and nights straightened out. That was tough! And, we’ve figured out what gives her gas, which bottles she prefers, which diapers fit best, how to dress her, how she likes to be bathed and cuddled, etc. There’s a lot to figure out! Don’t get me wrong, I’m still a nervous wreck half the time. I still wake up in the middle of the night and go to her cradle to be sure she’s still breathing…I wonder when that goes away – when I’ll no longer worry that she’s just going to suddenly stop breathing. The love that you feel for a child is so great that it’s frightening!

In the last couple of weeks, she’s starting smiling in response to us, and let me just say, having her smile at me is the most rewarding thing that I’ve ever experienced. That makes all the annoyance and pain of pregnancy, labor & delivery, and sleepless nights with a crying baby fade away. She’s changing so much from day to day and week to week. It’s just amazing to watch her grow and change, and I consider being her mother to be the greatest privilege of my life.

Friday and Saturday nights are much different than they used to be! Now they’re filled with bottle feeding, diaper changing, rocking, and playing with a baby. I guess I’ve entered a new phase in my life. And, as worried as I was, I don’t miss the old way one bit - ok, I might miss it just a tiny bit. But, this new phase is much more rewarding. And, my kid is pretty cool if I do say so myself, so partying with her on the weekends is just fine by me!

The dogs are adjusting well. At first, they just ignored her, but now they are really interested in her. They’re constantly smelling her or licking her hands and feet (we won’t let them lick her face or they would lick that too!). When they come in from outside, the first thing that they do is find the baby and check on her. It’s really sweet. And, they’re very protective. They’re a lot more growly now with anyone who drops by that they don’t know. So, we’re all settling into babyhood well. The dogs and I have both enjoyed Maternity leave. They’ve gotten spoiled with having me home during the day, and I’ve gotten spoiled with being around all three of my babies all day everyday. I’m dreading going back to work in a couple of weeks, but I know it must happen. So, we may as well get on with it!

In other news, today is my 6th Anniversary. There won’t be much excitement with a newborn baby, but we’ll enjoy a nice evening at home with the whole family. Sometimes I can’t believe that I’ve been married almost 6 years, and I’m someone’s mother. Where does the time go?? I still feel like I’ve been out of high school for just a couple of years although it’s been well more than a couple! So, to make a short story really long, life is good, baby is good, Motherhood is good, dogs are good. We are truly blessed!

Brand New Baby Girl

Dealing with our jaundice issues

Sweet Baby Face

Keep away from my baby

Mom said not to lay too close

Sectional Sofas provide the perfect corner for a photo op (And, yes, the blue line means she has a wet diaper, but I really needed to get this shot first!)

Daddy and Me in our Blue (I love these two!!)