Tuesday, May 11, 2010

This Could Require a New Blog Title

Where on earth have I been for the last few months? Well, generally, I’ve been hibernating like I do most winters – eating, sleeping, staying warm, etc… Oh, and growing a baby.

That’s right! Champ and Charlie are getting a little sister who’s going to completely turn their world upside down! But, we’re hoping that they’ll love her in spite of that. She’s due in August, which can’t get here fast enough as far as I’m concerned. We’ve barely hit 90 degrees, and I’m burning up! But, I can’t complain. I’ve had the easiest pregnancy that I could imagine so far. I’m sure that in 3 more months, I’ll be very ready to not share my body with her.

Pregnancy has definitely been interesting for me. To be honest, it took me a little while to warm up to the idea. It wasn’t instant elation for me. Not that I wasn’t excited…just a little stunned. And, then I felt bad because I thought I wasn’t happy enough about it. I’ve had more than a few of those melt down moments where I think, “WHAT HAVE I DONE???? My life is completely over!” But, I know that the instant I hold her for the first time, every one of those thoughts will be forgotten because I will be beginning a new, more fulfilling chapter of life.

So, I guess you could say that I’m apprehensive and excited at the same time about becoming a Mom. Luckily, I have a super helpful and involved partner that will help me get through the stressful times and enjoy the happy times!

She's so active now, and she wakes up every morning at 5:00...an early riser just like her Mom! She either loves boat rides and swings, or she hates them. She really goes nuts in both of those situations. She's definitely gotten big enough to have a major impact on my body. She has a special love for standing on top of my bladder. One second, I feel fine, and the next, I'll swear I'm about to wet my pants. My body is no longer my own! I know we're in for a wild ride, and we absolutely can't wait to meet her!

In other news, we just found out that Charlie has to have knee surgery! Poor baby has a partially torn ligament that's causing some damage to her knee. I've been walking a lot since I found out I'm pregnant and taking the dogs with me. Unfortunately, I think all the extra walking is part of her problem. It's not urgent that the surgery happen immediately, but the doctor thinks she'll need the surgery within the year. The bad part is that the surgery is followed up with several weeks of kennel confinement. We're really not looking forward to it, but we'll be so happy when she's healthy again so that she can walk and play as much as she wants. We'll have to sacrifice on our daughter's education to afford the surgery, but that's ok. The doggies will always be our first children...nothing but the best for them!